Have you ever felt unmotivated and stuck in a negative thought pattern? It happens to the best of us. You can learn to flip your negative thoughts and boost motivation, but sometimes even that feels unattainable. The good news is that with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), you can get the boost you need in seconds flat. 


Negating The Sticky Web of Negative Self-Talk


Sometimes our minds can be real chatterboxes, and not in a fun way. You know, that little voice inside your head that loves to point out your every flaw and mistake? Well, for some folks, that pesky inner voice is like a never-ending radio station that only plays sad songs. 

Everyone experiences negative thoughts from time to time, but some people seem to have a knack for attracting them like magnets. It’s like their brain has a special setting for self-doubt, anxiety, and negative self-talk. It’s just wired for negativity. 

Sadly, these negative thoughts can really rain on your parade. They whisper mean things like, “You’re not good enough,” or “You’ll never succeed,” and before you know it, you’re feeling down in the dumps.

Now, imagine trying to change the wiring of your brain. It’s like untangling a mess of earphones. It’s not as easy as just flipping a switch and going from “negative” to “positive” mode.

You might wonder, “Why can’t I just turn off this critical inner voice?” Well, that’s the thing – it’s not like an annoying TV you can just mute. It’s been on autopilot for a while, and it takes some effort to show it the exit door.

You’re not alone in this struggle. Many folks find themselves wrestling with these negative thoughts, and it can be a real challenge to break free from their clutches. But with a little help and some AI magic, you can learn to outsmart that tricky inner voice.

ChatGPT is like your trusty sidekick in this battle against the negative forces. It’s designed to understand you and provide a different perspective on things. So, when those negative thoughts try to creep in, ChatGPT swoops in with a compassionate response, shining a light on a more positive path.


The Negative Spiral of Negativity: Sarah’s Story


Sarah is a talented marketing professional who is passionate about her work. Recently, she’s been preparing for an important presentation in front of high-profile clients, but her mind is filled with a flood of negative thoughts.

As the presentation day approached, Sarah couldn’t help but hear her inner critic loud and clear:

“You’re so stupid“: Despite her track record of success, Sarah’s negative thought keeps telling her that she’s not smart enough for this crucial presentation.

Things only went downhill from there. In the midst of the presentation, Sarah was bombarded with such self-criticism that it downgraded her confidence even more. When she made a mistake, her inner voice said: 

You missed saying that one line that would have connected better,” and “You should be so much better at this.” 

Sarah had set unrealistic expectations for herself, believing that anything less than perfection is a failure. As she focused on these thoughts, her imposter syndrome kicked into gear and the torture continued: 

“You should not even be in this room with these types of people.

She became self-conscious and her fear of rejection led her to believe that the clients won’t appreciate her work: “They don’t like you.”


Reframe Negative Thinking with AI- 5 Steps


When you’re feeling down or stressed, it can be challenging to figure out what’s causing those negative feelings. But that’s where AI can lend a helping hand. ChatGPT can help you identify which thoughts are the culprit. Here’s how:


Step 1: Share your thoughts and feelings:

ChatGPT encourages you to express your thoughts and emotions openly. It’s like having a non-judgmental journal, a safe space where you can unload your worries and fears.

In Sarah’s case, she might put down: 

I was supposed to present to these clients and I got super nervous. I know I’m good at what I do, but I am terrible at presenting. I worry that I’m not smart enough, that I’ll say the wrong thing, that I’ll forget what to say. Sure enough, when I got to the presentation, my mind went blank. I froze. It was humiliating and terrifying. What went through my mind was “you’re so stupid”. I started worrying about what my colleagues would think as well. Not only was I going to potentially lose the deal, but what if I lose my job?”


Step 2: Identify problematic thoughts:

ChatGPT helps you identify the words and phrases causing distress and self-doubt. By recognizing these negative patterns, you take the first step towards change.

Here’s what ChatGPT identified as problematic in Sarah’s case:

“I got super nervous”

“I am terrible at presenting”

“I worry that I’m not smart enough”

“I’ll say the wrong thing”

“I’ll forget what to say”

“My mind went blank”

“I froze”

“It was humiliating and terrifying”

“You’re so stupid”

“Worrying about what my colleagues would think”

“Potentially lose the deal”

“What if I lose my job?”

Just recognizing what your brain is doing that is creating havoc for you is an important first step.


Step 3: Compassionate understanding:

ChatGPT empathizes with your struggles, helping you become more self-aware. It reminds you that excessive self-criticism can hinder your growth, and everyone faces challenges at some point.

ChatGPT was able to find the common threads among these problematic ways of thinking that Sarah exhibited, further helping her improve her self-awareness:

“These words and phrases indicate a significant level of self-criticism, fear, and self-doubt surrounding your presentation experience. It’s natural to feel nervous before important events, but excessive self-criticism can exacerbate anxiety and hinder your performance. Remember, everyone makes mistakes and faces challenges at some point, and it doesn’t define your entire worth or competence.”


Step 4: Rethink negative thoughts:

With ChatGPT’s guidance, you can reframe negative thoughts with more compassionate and realistic statements. You learn to embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth and recognize your strengths.

Here are 10 examples ChatGPT provided to Sarah: 

  • “Feeling nervous is normal, and it shows that I care about doing well.”
  • “Presenting may not be my strongest suit, but I have other valuable skills and expertise.”
  • “I am smart and capable, and one presentation doesn’t define my intelligence.”
  • “Mistakes in presentations are common, and I can learn from this experience to improve in the future.”
  • “It’s okay to forget things sometimes; I can practice and prepare more effectively next time.”
  • “I may have struggled in this presentation, but I can work on strategies to manage anxiety and perform better.”
  • “I can show myself kindness and understanding, just as I would to a friend who faced a similar situation.”
  • “I can ask for feedback from colleagues and use it constructively to grow and develop.”
  • “One presentation doesn’t determine the outcome of the deal or my job security; there will be other opportunities.”
  • “I can take this experience as a learning opportunity to build my presentation skills and confidence.”


Step 5: Embrace self-compassion:

ChatGPT reinforces the importance of being kind and patient with yourself. It encourages you to seek support from others and believe in your worth and potential.

After providing Sarah with these reframes, ChatGPT also gave some tips on how she can change the way she talks to herself. 

“It’s essential to be gentle with yourself and avoid harsh self-judgment. Mistakes and challenges are part of life’s journey, and they provide opportunities for growth and improvement. Seek support from colleagues, mentors, or resources to develop your presentation skills, and practice self-compassion as you navigate through these experiences. You are capable and valuable, and setbacks don’t define your overall potential for success.


AI-Powered Mindset Makeover


ChatGPT is encouraging and supportive. It gives good advice about what to do to think more positively. But if you’re anything like Sarah, how can you accomplish these mindset shifts? Here are a few ways: 

1. Gentle Self-Reflection: ChatGPT can serve as a non-judgmental sounding board, allowing you to express your thoughts and emotions without fear of criticism. 

2. Embracing Mistakes and Challenges: ChatGPT can reframe your negative thoughts about mistakes and challenges, reminding you that they are natural and valuable opportunities for learning and personal development. Through empathetic responses, ChatGPT can help you see these experiences as stepping stones toward improvement.

3. Seeking Support and Mentorship: ChatGPT can suggest seeking support from colleagues, mentors, or resources to enhance your presentation skills. By encouraging you to reach out for assistance, ChatGPT promotes a sense of community and growth through collaboration.

4. Practicing Self-Compassion: ChatGPT can consistently remind you to practice self-compassion as you face difficulties. It will offer you kind and understanding responses, reinforcing the importance of being patient and gentle with yourself during challenging times.

5. Recognizing Your Worth and Potential: Through positive affirmations and reflections, ChatGPT can help you acknowledge your capabilities and value as an individual. This can build up your confidence and belief in your ability to succeed.

6. Overcoming Setbacks: ChatGPT can guide you in understanding that setbacks are temporary and don’t define your overall potential for success. It will provide alternative perspectives and support you in maintaining a resilient outlook despite obstacles.

The cool thing is you get to train ChatGPT to be the kind of therapist that suits you best. To help you out, I put together different prompts you can use. Click here to snag your AI prompts and get AI to be the “Therapist in Your Pocket.”




In the dynamic world we live in, negative thoughts and self-doubt can often hold us back. However, ChatGPT’s AI-powered emotional support has proven to be a game-changer in boosting emotional intelligence and fostering a positive mindset. Through its empathetic responses and cognitive reframing, ChatGPT helps individuals confront and reframe negative thoughts, opening up a world of possibilities for personal growth and resilience.

As you embark on your journey to harness AI’s potential, remember that emotional intelligence is a continuous process of self-discovery and growth. While ChatGPT offers valuable support, don’t forget the significance of human connections. Embrace the lessons learned, practice self-compassion, and seek support from loved ones and mentors. With ChatGPT as your ally and a commitment to nurturing emotional intelligence, you can overcome challenges, embrace positivity, and lead a more fulfilling life. So, take a leap forward with ChatGPT by your side, and let the power of AI transform your mindset, one thought at a time.


Want me to speak to your organization about managing stress? Check out my keynote, “Make Stress Your Superpower.”


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Dr. Sharon Grossman, AKA the Burnout Doc, is a clinically trained psychologist and subject matter expert in burnout and mental health. Associations and Fortune 500 companies hire her to be their closing keynote speaker, to help their members and executives crack the code on burnout, and create custom-tailored solutions for recovery.
Over the past 20 years, Dr. Sharon has been helping high achievers who are struggling with anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout go from exhausted to extraordinary by better understanding how their brain works and how they can design and run their programming on purpose to live the kind of life they want to live. She is the author of several books on burnout and mindset and host of the Decode Your Burnout podcast. Through her speaking, training, and coaching, she helps organizations keep their top talent.