The Burnout Doc Blog
Breathing Techniques for Stress Reduction and Burnout Prevention
Stress is inevitable. It is like that sales person who comes knocking on your door, but that’s not always a bad thing, especially when you know how to manage your mind. It’s when you either have too many knocks on the door or when you aren’t managing yourself that...
Rebranding Stress
Did you know that stress is mental? No, I’m not suggesting you’re “mental” if you experience stress. But there is so much we don’t understand about stress and when we miss the mark, we are shooting ourselves in the foot. It’s time we got a 10,000 foot view of what...
The Role of Motivation for Working Long Hours
Burnout is an all too common term these days. It’s spoken about everywhere you turn and researchers are attempting to find out what specifically leads workers to burn out. Because burnout is a stress-related disorder, it makes sense to explore the psychology behind...
The Role of Environmental Stressors on Burnout
Stress, by definition, is our perception that we cannot cope with the demands placed on us. When we experience chronic stress, we burn out. When we burn out, we usually are very aware of the external factors or the demands on us that contributed to our stress. But...
When Life On the Outside Looks Better Than You Feel
We live in a culture where accomplishments are our currency. Whether it is spoken out loud or simply insinuated, there is an expectation that you will be productive and have results to show for your efforts. But sometimes we can take this too far and it’s easy to...
How Your Unmet Needs Propel Burnout
When you are born into this world, like all babies, you have certain basic needs. These needs are typically met as you are housed, clothed, and fed. But it is when we look beyond our basic needs that we find where in life we’ve gotten stuck. We all need to feel a...
Tricks Your Mind Plays That Lead to Burnout
It is common practice that when you have a thought in your mind you believe what you think. And while it makes sense why you would fall prey to this common habit, it may not be in your best interest to do so. In order to avoid the unnecessary stress caused by your...
How “Shoulding” Burns You Out
As a Doer, you likely take on a lot of responsibility. You push yourself to accomplish a great deal and this has served you in the past because it’s gotten you to where you are today in your career and perhaps other areas of your life as well. But sometimes even high...
How Your Programming Leads to Burnout
Burnout is a workplace phenomenon that has been around for decades, but is increasing in intensity, frequency, and becoming more widespread. That said, everyone burns out for different reasons and while we might be quick to point a finger at our circumstances in the...
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