The Burnout Doc Blog

Care Too Much vs. Being Care-less

Are you working overtime because you just care about work too much? Where do you draw the line between overworking and being careless? Caring too much about work is a common problem that can have serious consequences. When we are driven by a strong work ethic, a...

How to Identify a Toxic Workplace

Working in a toxic workplace can be stressful and frustrating. It's hard to get things done when you're constantly dealing with drama, office politics, and other employees who are unhappy in their jobs.  When it comes to burnout, one of the leading causes is a toxic...

The Invisible Work Women Do

Women have long been known to shoulder the bulk of household duties and unpaid labor. The term "invisible work" refers to this type of labor, which can be anything from cleaning to taking care of children. The invisible work women do is often necessary for a family's...

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