Do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions of life without a clear sense of purpose or direction? It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and forget about the bigger picture of what we want to achieve. That’s where setting intentions comes in. 

Intentions are a way to focus your energy on what’s truly important to you, and to align your actions with your values and priorities. Whether you want to improve your relationships, advance in your career, or simply cultivate a more positive mindset, setting intentions can help you get there. 

In this article, we’ll explore what intentions are, why they’re important, and how to set them effectively. Get ready to harness the power of intention and start living a more intentional and fulfilling life.


Understanding Intentions and Their Importance 


For years, whenever I was in a yoga class and heard, “Set your intentions for the practice,” I felt dumbfounded. What does setting intentions even mean? Why isn’t anyone giving me multiple choice answers here? It was time for me to do some investigating on my own off the mat. Here’s what I discovered:

Intentions are essentially the thoughts or ideas that guide our actions and behaviors. They are the underlying motivation or purpose behind what we do. When we set an intention, we are declaring our desires and committing to taking actions that align with those desires. Intentions are different from goals in that they focus on the process of achieving something rather than the outcome. For example, a goal might be to lose weight, while an intention might be to prioritize self-care by eating nourishing foods and moving your body regularly.

Setting intentions is important because it helps us to clarify what we want and why we want it. When we have a clear sense of purpose and direction, we are more likely to make choices that are in alignment with our values and priorities. Intentions can also help us to stay focused and motivated, especially when we encounter obstacles or setbacks. By setting intentions, we can cultivate a sense of agency and control over our lives, rather than feeling like we are at the mercy of external circumstances.

Furthermore, setting intentions can also have positive effects on our mental and emotional wellbeing. When we focus our attention on what we want rather than what we don’t want, we are more likely to experience positive emotions like gratitude, joy, and contentment. Intentions can also help us to cultivate a growth mindset, which is the belief that we can learn, grow, and improve over time. This can lead to increased confidence, resilience, and overall life satisfaction.


Why You Should Set Intentions for Yourself

There’s a reason why yoga teachers (and others) tell us to set intentions. It’s because doing so can act as a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. Here are three reasons you should consider this for yourself: 

  1. Intentions can help to focus your energy.

In this day and age with shortened attention spans we can use all the help we can get to focus our minds. Intentions clarify our purpose, leaving us less distracted by unimportant or irrelevant tasks. They help us to filter out the noise so we can stay focused on our goals. And when we direct energy towards our intentions, we become more efficient and effective in achieving them.

  1. Setting intentions can benefit your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Setting intentions has been shown to have positive effects on mental and emotional wellbeing. When we set intentions, we are essentially programming our brains to look for opportunities to fulfill them. This helps us to cultivate a positive mindset and to see the world through a lens of possibility and abundance. Intentions can also help to reduce stress and anxiety by giving us a sense of control over our lives. By setting intentions, we are taking proactive steps towards creating the life we want, rather than feeling like we are at the mercy of external circumstances.

  1. Setting intentions can lead to positive outcomes.

Setting intentions can lead to a wide range of positive outcomes, from improved relationships to increased career success. Here are a few examples:

  • If your intention is to cultivate more meaningful relationships, you might focus on being more present and attentive when spending time with loved ones.
  • If your intention is to advance in your career, you might set goals for developing new skills or networking with colleagues in your field.
  • If your intention is to cultivate a more positive mindset, you might practice gratitude or positive affirmations on a daily basis.

By setting intentions and taking action towards them, we can create a life that is aligned with our values and priorities. Intentions help us to focus our energy and attention, cultivate a positive mindset, and achieve our goals.


How to Set Intentions


Setting intentions is a process that requires some reflection and intentionality. Here are five steps to help you set effective intentions:

  1. Reflect on your values and priorities:

Before setting intentions, it’s important to reflect on what’s truly important to you. What are your values? What motivates you? What brings you joy and fulfillment? Reflecting on these questions can help you to identify what you want to focus on in your life.

2. Identify areas of your life you want to focus on:

Once you have a sense of your values and priorities, think about the different areas of your life that you want to focus on. This could include your career, relationships, health, spirituality, or personal growth. Identify one or two areas that you want to prioritize in the coming weeks or months.

3. Create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) intentions:

When setting intentions, it’s important to make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This means that your intentions should be concrete, realistic, and tied to a specific timeframe. For example, instead of setting a vague intention like “be more productive,” you might set a SMART intention like “complete three work projects by the end of the month.”

4. Write down your intentions:

Writing down your intentions can help to solidify them in your mind and make them more tangible. You might write them in a journal, on a sticky note, or on your phone. Place your intentions somewhere where you will see them often, like on your bathroom mirror or on your computer desktop.

5. Use affirmations and visualization techniques to reinforce your intentions:

Affirmations and visualization techniques can help to reinforce your intentions and keep you motivated. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself, such as “I am capable and worthy of achieving my goals.” Visualization involves imagining yourself already having achieved your intention, such as visualizing yourself completing a challenging work project or having a fulfilling conversation with a loved one. Both focus your mind on what you want to make it more real. 

But it’s not enough to just set your intentions. Once you do so, it’s time to take action towards achieving them.


Tips for Sticking to Your Intentions 


Setting intentions is one thing, but sticking to them can be another challenge altogether. Here are four tips to help you stay committed to your intentions:

  1. Share your intentions with someone else for accountability:

Sharing your intentions with a friend, family member, or mentor can help to create a sense of accountability. When someone else knows what you’re working towards, you are more likely to stay committed to your intentions. You might ask your accountability partner to check in with you regularly or to offer encouragement and support.

2. Track your progress:

Tracking your progress can help to keep you motivated and accountable. You might use a journal, a habit tracker app, or a simple spreadsheet to track your progress towards your intentions. Celebrate small wins along the way and use setbacks as opportunities to learn and adjust your approach.

3. Adjust your intentions as needed:

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes our intentions need to be adjusted based on changing circumstances or priorities. Be flexible and willing to adjust your intentions as needed. This doesn’t mean giving up on your goals altogether, but rather finding new ways to achieve them. Remember that progress, not perfection, is the goal.

4. Practice self-compassion and avoid perfectionism:

Finally, it’s important to practice self-compassion and avoid perfectionism when setting intentions. Be gentle with yourself if you experience setbacks or challenges along the way. Instead of beating yourself up for not being perfect, remind yourself that progress is more important than perfection. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and learn from them.

When you get into action mode, you want to stay consistent. With these tips, you can increase your chances of sticking to your intentions and achieving your goals. Remember that setting intentions is a process, and it takes time and effort to create lasting change in your life. But with persistence and commitment, you can create the life you want and live with intention and purpose.




Setting intentions is a powerful way to create the life you want and to live with purpose. Here’s a recap of the key points we covered in this article:

  • Intentions are the thoughts or ideas that guide our actions and behaviors.
  • Setting intentions is important because it helps us to focus our energy, improve our mental and emotional wellbeing, and achieve our goals.
  • To set effective intentions, reflect on your values and priorities, identify areas of your life you want to focus on, create SMART intentions, write them down, and use affirmations and visualization techniques to reinforce them.
  • To stick to your intentions, share them with someone else for accountability, track your progress, adjust your intentions as needed, and practice self-compassion and avoid perfectionism.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to start setting intentions for your life. Whether you want to improve your relationships, advance in your career, or simply cultivate a more positive mindset, setting intentions can help you get there. It starts with clarity about what you want, followed by focused and consistent action until you achieve your goals. But if you want a life filled with purpose, it’s well worth it.

Once you’ve set your intentions, you’re ready for some goal setting


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Dr. Sharon Grossman, AKA the Burnout Doc, is a clinically trained psychologist and subject matter expert in burnout and mental health. Associations and Fortune 500 companies hire her to be their closing keynote speaker, to help their members and executives crack the code on burnout, and create custom-tailored solutions for recovery.
Over the past 20 years, Dr. Sharon has been helping high achievers who are struggling with anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout go from exhausted to extraordinary by better understanding how their brain works and how they can design and run their programming on purpose to live the kind of life they want to live. She is the author of several books on burnout and mindset and host of the Decode Your Burnout podcast. Through her speaking, training, and coaching, she helps organizations keep their top talent.