The Burnout Doc Blog

What to Do When Your Work Isn’t Working Out

Have you ever felt like you were stuck between a rock and a hard place? Do you think about your life choices in black and white terms where either you do something you don’t want to do and feel miserable or you don’t do it and feel guilty? Your decisions don’t have to...

When the Pink Slip is Your Ticket Out

When the Pink Slip is Your Ticket Out

It didn’t used to be like this. People didn’t just decide they don’t want to work anymore. They didn’t just resign, and definitely not in mass numbers.  People used to be hesitant to leave their jobs. They would suck it up, be miserable, and burn out in the meantime....

Rebranding Stress

Did you know that stress is mental? No, I’m not suggesting you’re “mental” if you experience stress. But there is so much we don’t understand about stress and when we miss the mark, we are shooting ourselves in the foot. It’s time we got a 10,000 foot view of what...

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